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Molding method and the development trends of clay bricks


Molding method and the development trends of clay bricks. With the rapid development of China and the people's standard of living continues to improve, the variety and quality of refractory fireclay brick, has made new demands. In particular, in order to save clay resource consumption, reducing energy consumption, reducing building self-esteem, improving physical properties of walls and roofs, as well as improve the mechanization level of construction, is gradually developing high porosity hollow products, insulation and masonry hollow block, dry wall decor tiles and floors. New product development needs to be adapted to, molding process and equipment.
The general trend: forming equipment to large, high-yield direction.
In order to obtain high quality body, in addition to strengthen the processing of raw materials, also taking the clay contained in the air, because in the extrusion process, the air particles separated from raw materials and cannot be combined with each other very well. In order to eliminate the air clay, through the extrusion process the air out with a vacuum pump, the so-called vacuum treatment. In addition to vacuum, and required extrusion pressure, particularly out of the water when the rates are low in hollow slab and tile slab should also higher squeeze pressure.

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