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Technological characteristics of mullite brick


Technological characteristics of mullite brick important apart, plasticity, conclusion and sintering. These properties directly influence its function as a refractory. Fireclay bricks apart is its amount of micro-particle content so soft clay brick is a kind of broken up objects, while other fireclay bricks apart by grinding after crushing degree. Plasticity of fireclay bricks and concluded by its split decisions, and plasticity in close relationship with the conclusion. In most situations, strong plasticity, which are also strong.

So produced are usually entered into as malleable to arbitrate its functional strength, plasticity and in accordance with the established ratio of injection molding process and the conclusion of agent, executive producer of all kinds of refractory products. Sintering of the refractory clay brick is the calcination of fireclay bricks can be function of the density and intensity, regardless of the conclusion of clay bricks on burning clinker using rigid High-alumina clay bricks and clay tiles, is a key process attributes.

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