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Variety AZS fused brick strength of corrosion resistance


AZS fused brick industrial production started in 1939, in the mid 1950 of the 20th century in Europe and other countries have implemented various grades of products, after decades of development, fused refractory materials product quality continues to improve, gradually building up brand.
fused cast AZS  for glass melting furnaces, not just take advantage of their superior high-temperature performance, you also need to have excellent resistance to glass and alkali corrosion of steam, as a reasonably solid space of functional material composed of fused glass. Furnace service life requires more than 5 years now, and some for more than 12 years, to date no other material can replace special Refractories in glass melting furnaces.
On one hand, easy to manufacture fused the bigger part.
on the other, fused materials are rarely open tone hole, significantly reduces channel of glass penetrated refractories, greatly enhances the corrosion resistance of products. Therefore, fused materials of ordinary incomparable advantages of sintered material. However, different brick and erosion resistance of fused glass quality difference is still not small.

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